Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Why Hillary should go to the finals . . .

...because everyone bitches about how their vote doesn't count, and for two great options (Hillary -- who I wish i was referring to as Rodham right now -- and Obama. Full disclosure: still hope H gets to be president) to go so neck-and-neck and not see it out, would be the same as canceling the last of the primaries and telling the voters in those states that since you didn't slap your ballot down BY NOW, it doesn't matter what you think.

But really, who's counting?

The same people who are saying that Hillary should give up her last states and get behind Obama are the same ones who say the superdelegates should go with the popular vote. So shouldn't we wait to see what the popular vote will be come delegate delegation time? What the popular vote will be when all votes are counted, including Florida and Michigan?


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